Channeled Message Clients Only: Clarity Reading Check In
This email service is available for those who purchased a channeled message reading and require more clarity about the message. To move forward with this service, please list what was mentioned in the reading that you want more understanding on. You may list up to 3 things. You will receive your message within 72hrs. It will be sent to the email address your provide.
Orders placed Monday-Thursday will be completed within 3 days (72hrs) of submitting information.
Orders places Friday-Sunday will be completed within 4 days (96hrs) of submitting information.
Please note, this is not a reading for new questions and is only available for clients who purchased a channeled message first. If you require a question based reading connect below via phone. Sessions are available by phone/zoom audio and range 30-60 minutes:
Readings for the Soul
Monday-Thursday 12pm-10pm EST
Clarity Check In Reading for Channeled Message Sessions Only